Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Advice from Stephen King

Even though I am technically a part of the “texting generation”, and I indeed do text, there is no way I could ever allow myself to purposely write like a teenager with no regard for basic skills in English. Unless, of course, it was a joke. With that being said, I consider myself to be serious about writing and speaking well and using proper grammar even in a friendly conversation or text message. I may not always remember or want to use proper grammar, but I try my best because I know how much I hate it when others do not.
As a result of this I can appreciate Stephen King’s advice to put proper grammar and vocabulary at the top of your writing “toolbox.” He says, “Bad grammar produces bad sentences.” I agree that writing properly is crucial to make sure that you do not confuse your readers and, in turn risk losing them. Even though King admits to deciding not to write much about the basics and importance of grammar, he still offers valuable information in the few examples he provides. He emphasizes the significance of proper use of sentence structure, complete sentences, verbs and nouns. While this all may seem overwhelming to most people, he also offers his advice on using simple sentences in moderation to start off. 
With this in mind, for my memoir I intend to first write what comes to me and go back to analyze the basic mistakes King says every writer is bound to make. I also want to make certain that my sentences and paragraphs are structured properly to avoid any confusion with the reader. I will focus on keeping my nouns and verbs where they belong throughout the memoir, and take a shot at using some simple sentences to see if they will help at all. 

1 comment:

  1. I think we both know a lot of what King is telling us, but he frames it such a way that it sounds new. What he does do is make us more conscious of the final product and the process.
