Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Editorial Idea

As I said in the community blog, my editorial idea is based on personal experience with the housing department this summer before starting the fall semester at OU. I basically am thinking about the issue regarding limited housing availability on campus for the thousands of students who are allowed to apply with no clear deadline. I also think there is a pretty serious problem with the way they choose to contact applicants about their getting, or not getting, a dorm or student apartment. I did not receive any notification at all, and had to call the housing department numerous times to be told that I could not be accommodated regardless of the fact that I applied months ahead of time. They had no concern whatsoever for my situation, and I had no choice but to settle in an overpriced apartment in the area one week before classes where scheduled.

As a result of this mess that I, and other students I know, went through, I think the housing department should establish a clear deadline or put a limit on how many students can apply for housing each semester. If this cannot be accomplished for whatever reason then additional housing buildings should be put in place. I'll note that adding a deadline seems like the more sensible solution because more construction could mean higher tuition, room and board for OU students. I also think the housing department should set up a type of contact system to make certain that all housing applicants are notified with time whether or not they will be able to live on campus.

Basically, I think the OU housing department should figure out a solution to its incompetence.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I wasn't sure where to put my comments to you so here's the exact same thing I put on the community blog...sorry for the redundancy.

    Very interesting topic. I've never lived in dorms at OU, but I have lived in dorms at a school before, so I understand this frustration.

    I think it would be a very accessible topic, as you mentioned a lot of students on campus dealt with the same problem. I definitely think there should be a change; the system now sounds like a joke. You nailed it on the head.

    Great idea, good content.
    Good luck!
